Wednesday, July 14, 2021

July 14 - Illuminating

Ah, Mid-Summer!  Hope you are having a great one!  And, ah, yes, for the next video playlist (6 linked c. 15-minute short original movies) presentation on YouTube...

Mark Alburger - 20th-Century Music II (1. Stravinsky to Berg)

Particulars as follows...

Mark Alburger - 20th-Century Music II (1a. Stravinsky)
Igor Stravinsky

Mark Alburger - 20th-Century Music II (1b. Stravinsky)
Igor Stravinsky

Mark Alburger - 20th-Century Music II (1c. Stravinsky to Varese)
Igor Stravinsky, Josef Matthias Hauer, Edgar Varese
(N.B. Stravinsky - The Flood - Blocked)

Mark Alburger - 20th-Century Music II (1d. Varese / Webern)
Edgar Varese, Anton Webern

Mark Alburger - 20th-Century Music II (1e. Webern / Berg)
Anton Webern, Alban Berg

Mark Alburger - 20th-Century Music II (1f. Berg)
Alban Berg

Same deal re lecture notes... 300-500 words, should be at least c. a page, feel free to just listen and watch while jotting down your thoughts... handwritten or typed, emailing attached pdf or jpg of same by 6pm, Friday, July 16, to

It's been great hearing and seeing you!  Planning on a tenth offical Zoom get-together tomorrow-- 11:30am, sending out email invite c. 30 minutes prior...