Friday, August 20, 2021

August 23 - Our Changing World

Welcome to Diablo Valley College World Music (Fall 2021), with your sonic-co-explorer,

Dr. Mark Alburger!

Syllabus is at

We're all online, so the two class meetings a week (Mondays and Wednesdays) are playlists on YouTube.  Each playlist is 6 c. 15-minute original linked videos... roughly one-and-a-half hours per presentation...

The first Lecture Playlist, for today, August 23, is below the next picture...

Each session will feature a new Playlist, accessed from this current blog-website

dated as above.

The titles of the daily blog entries are rather arbitrary / capricious...

Your class participation will be write personal responses to each Playlist (c. 300-500 words) -- handwritten or typed -- as you listen, and send off by 6pm Fridays (in this case, August 27) to as attached pdfs or jpgs...

Blank pdf copies of Quizzes (Worksheets, really) will be group emailed to you every Wednesday, with info for same posted on this website just below the corresponding daily Lecture Playlist, and same method of transmission / due date as above.  While top of each Quiz should be hand-written (re Music Notation and Basic Information), the bottom (Identification and Descriptions of Featured Composers and Pieces) may be typed... And you can always create your own versions of the Quizzes, rather than using the emailed copies...

Looking forward to our continuing time together over the next 16 weeks!


Dr. Mark Alburger
Diablo Valley College Music
(707) 474-7273


Mark Alburger - "Before c. 3500 B.C.E." (1. Outer Space to Inner Sanctums)

The individual videos detailed below...

Mark Alburger - "Before c. 3500 B.C.E." (1a. An Outer Space Introduction)
Germany / Iran (Richard Strauss) - Also Sprach Zarathustra: Introduction
(referencing the Persian prophet Zoroaster)

Mark Alburger - "Before c. 3500 B.C.E." (1b. The Big Bang and Beyond)
The Audio Afterglow of the Big Bang; Vibration / Sound / Rhythm / Pitch / Dynamics / Timbre
(N.B. Video blocked in Austria and Germany [!],
due to inclusion of South African waves from The Endless Summer[!] --
also a significant section about the physics of music deleted,
which will be shown at the 5pm, August 25, Optional Zoom Meeting!)

Mark Alburger - "Before c. 3500 B.C.E." (1c. Distance and Direction)
Intervals / Scales

Mark Alburger - "Before c. 3500 B.C.E." (1d. Notation and Nuance)
Notation of Pitch and Rhythm; Senegal - Greetings from Podor

Mark Alburger - "Before c. 3500 B.C.E." (1e. Speed to Solfege)
Tempo / Three Instrumental Groups;
New York / Austria (Richard Rodgers) - The Sound of Music: Do Re Mi]

Mark Alburger - "Before c. 3500 B.C.E." (1f. Solfege to Score)
Italy (Guido d'Arezzo) - Hymn to St. John; Solfege, Accidentals;