Tuesday, October 26, 2021

October 26 - Illuminating

Ah, Mid-Semester, Music Appreciation!  Hope you are having a great one!  And, ah, yes, for the next video playlist (6 linked c. 15-minute short original movies) presentation on YouTube...

Mark Alburger - 20th-Century Music II (1. Stravinsky to Berg)

Particulars as follows...

Mark Alburger - 20th-Century Music II (1a. Stravinsky)
Igor Stravinsky

Mark Alburger - 20th-Century Music II (1b. Stravinsky)
Igor Stravinsky

Mark Alburger - 20th-Century Music II (1c. Stravinsky to Varese)
Igor Stravinsky, Josef Matthias Hauer, Edgar Varese
(N.B. Stravinsky - The Flood - Blocked)

Mark Alburger - 20th-Century Music II (1d. Varese / Webern)
Edgar Varese, Anton Webern

Mark Alburger - 20th-Century Music II (1e. Webern / Berg)
Anton Webern, Alban Berg

Mark Alburger - 20th-Century Music II (1f. Berg)
Alban Berg

If you can't make class today, same deal re lecture notes... 300-500 words, should be at least c. a page, feel free to just listen and watch while jotting down your thoughts... handwritten or typed, emailing attached pdf or jpg of same by 6pm, Friday, October 29, to mus21stc@gmail.com.

Hope to see you soon!  .